Charts & Graphs

Crime Pays

Following the money.

Human Trafficking

  • Total value of the global slave trade: $31 billion
  • Number of people enslaved today: 27 million
  • Price traffickers pay to purchase a woman in Moldova: $500
  • Price traffickers receive for a trafficked woman in Turkey: $2,500
  • Price of an hour with a woman from the Emperor’s Club V.I.P., the online prostitution ring frequented by former New York governor Eliot Spitzer: $5,500


  • Price of one kilogram of cocaine in Colombia: $1,500
  • Price of one kilogram of cocaine in Miami: $30,000
  • Chances that a U.S. $1 bill contains traces of cocaine: 4 in 5
  • Percent of total world trade accounted for by the illegal drug industry: 8
  • Ratio of opium production in Afghanistan from 2005 to 2007: 1:2
  • Percent of worldwide heroin production accounted for by Afghanistan: 92


  • Barter rate for an AK-47 in Kenya in 1986: 10 cows
  • Barter rate in 2001: 2 cows
  • Total value of illegal small arms and light weapons trade: $1 billion
  • Percent of global weapons sales accounted for by the U.S.: 36
  • Ratio of guns to people on planet: 1:10
  • Ratio of guns to people in the U.S.: 9:10


  • Reward for a stolen painting by Vermeer: $5 million
  • Total value of the black market in art: $6 billion
  • Number of pieces of art stolen in the U.S. in 2006: 14,981
  • Number of pieces of art stolen in the U.S. in 2007: 16,117

Figures from early 2009.