

As he brews, so shall he drink.

—Ben Jonson, 1598

I am an old scholar, better-looking now than when I was young. That’s what sitting on your ass does to your face.

—Leonard Cohen, 1970

The belly is the reason why man does not mistake himself for a god.

—Friedrich Nietzsche, 1886

Revolutions are not made by men in spectacles.

—Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1871

Television is democracy at its ugliest.

—Paddy Chayefsky, 1976

Some men never recover from education.

—Oliver St. John Gogarty, 1954

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

—Saint Augustine, c. 390

Friends are ourselves.

—John Donne, 1603

How to gain, how to keep, how to recover happiness is in fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do.

—William James, 1902

Fame is but the empty noise of madmen.

—Epictetus, c. 100

What one man can invent another can discover.

—Arthur Conan Doyle, 1905

He makes his cook his merit, and the world visits his dinners and not him.

—Molière, 1666

Other nations use “force”; we Britons alone use “might.”

—Evelyn Waugh, 1938