Voices In Time Magic Shows 1886 | Belgium Revisionist History Helena Blavatsky insists magic and history are inextricably linked.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows c. 1190 BC | Aeaea Bristling into Swine Odysseus encounters Circe’s magic.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1886 | Sligo While the World Is Full of Troubles W.B. Yeats goes walking with the fairies.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1996 | Washington, DC Waiting for Greenspan Words from a financial Wizard of Oz.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows c. 170 | Athens The Master’s Tools The original sorcerer’s apprentice.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1692 | Salem Witness Credibility Cotton Mather on what constitutes evidence of witchcraft.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1842 | Brussels Phantom Rising Emily Brontë looks out at the magic in the moonlight.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1519 | Tlaxcala Margin of Error Questionable advice from a Tlaxcalan soothsayer.More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1982 | Beaufort, SC Receiving a Tutorial John Berendt gets a lesson in South Carolina folk magic.More