England’s textile industry depended on cotton, but the English people abhorred slavery. Lewis Lapham talks with historian Amanda Foreman about Britain’s complicated and crucial role in the American Civil War.
England’s textile industry depended on cotton, but the English people abhorred slavery. Lewis Lapham talks with historian Amanda Foreman about Britain’s complicated and crucial role in the American Civil War.
Lewis H. Lapham talks with Holger Hoock, author of Scars of Independence: America’s Violent Birth, at a New York Public Library event. More
Lewis H. Lapham talks with Peter Frankopan, author of The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. More
Lewis H. Lapham talks with Steve Fraser, author of Class Matters: The Strange Career of an American Delusion. More
Lewis H. Lapham speaks with the author of Schoolhouse Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracy. More
Lewis H. Lapham speaks with the author of Ahab’s Rolling Sea: A Natural History of Moby-Dick. More
Lewis H. Lapham talks with Mark Kurlansky, author of Paper: Paging Through History. More