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New Issue: “Foreigners”

calendar iconTuesday, December 16, 2014


Faraway lands, first encounters, and strangers within come together in “Foreigners,” the Winter issue of Lapham's Quarterly. The issue includes contributions from Flannery O'Connor, Patrice Lumuba, Gertude Bell, Marco Polo, Edward Said, Langston Hughes, Albert Camus and many more, plus essays from Pico Iyer on travelling and living abroad, Andrea Pitzer on the concentration camps of the First World War, and Bernd Brunner on the modern crossroads of Istanbul. Our map traces the global history of “us” and “them,” and our charts and graphs follow the of ninteenth-century immigrants, men and women who have “gone native,” common enemies among nations, and barbarians at the gates. 


“Foreigners” arrives on newsstands on December 15, or you can subscribe now to receive “Foreigners” as your first issue.