

Susan Brind Morrow

Portrait of English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton.

Isaac Newton

(1643 - 1727)

Black and white photograph of Friedrich Nietzsche with a huge mustache.

Friedrich Nietzsche

(1844 - 1900)

Engraving of Pliny the Elder.

Pliny the Elder

(23 - 79)

Joseph Priestley

(1733 - 1804)

Thomas Pynchon

Satyajit Ray

(1921 - 1992)

Austro-German poet Rainer Maria Rilke.

Rainer Maria Rilke

(1875 - 1926)

Vera Rubin

(1928 - 2016)

Muriel Rukeyser

(1913 - 1980)

Maria Sabina

(1894 - 1985)

Black and white photograph of French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

(1900 - 1944)

George S. Schuyler

(1895 - 1977)

Black and white image of Roman philosopher and statesman Seneca the Younger.

Seneca the Younger

(4 BC - 65)

Sextus Empiricus

(c. 200 - c. 300)

Sima Qian

Sima Qian

(c. 145 BC - c. 87 BC)

Greek geographer and historian Strabo.


(c. 64 BC - c. 25)

Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift

(1667 - 1745)

Saint Teresa of Ávila.

Saint Teresa of Ávila

(1515 - 1582)

Nikola Tesla

(1856 - 1943)

Frontispiece for 1612-13 King James Bible.

The Bible

Polydore Vergil

(c. 1470 - 1555)


(c. 80 BC - 15 BC)

Colorized engraving of Voltaire wearing a wig.


(1694 - 1778)