
Technology 101

The table of contents for our Winter 2021 issue.

By Lapham’s Quarterly

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Winter 2021 issue of Lapham’s Quarterly, Technology, is now available. With original essays by Andrew Blum, Adrienne Mayor, Curtis White, and Simon Winchester; Voices in Time contributions by Al-Jazari, Babur, Ray Bradbury, Charlotte Brontë, Pearl S. Buck, George Dyson, Ted Kaczynski, Ada Lovelace, Jina Moore, Lewis Mumford, Sophocles, Rebecca West, and others; and art by Paul Klee, Leonardo da Vinci, and others.

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Cover of Technology, the Winter 2021 issue of Lapham’s Quarterly

Cover | Thread twister based on a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, Luigi Boldetti, 1969
Program Notes | Among the Contributors
Map | Work in Progress
Preamble | Simon Winchester, Greeks Bearing Gifts

2020: Oxford | Daniel Susskind
1802: Bishopwearmouth | William Paley
1939: France | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
442 bc: Athens | Sophocles
1937: Serbia | Rebecca West
c. 1260: Paris | Roger Bacon
1922: Dearborn, MI | Henry Ford
1894: Washington, DC | George W. Murray
1982: St. Louis | Walter Ong
c. 213 bc: Syracuse | Plutarch
1945: New Mexico | Thomas F. Farrell
1843: London | Ada Lovelace
1971: Berkeley, CA | Michael Moritz
1823: London | Henry Law
1954: Bordeaux | Jacques Ellul
c. 60 bc: Italy | Lucretius
1908: Kitty Hawk, NC | Wilbur & Orville Wright
1637: Leiden | René Descartes
1934: New York City | Lewis Mumford
1206: Diyarbakir | Al-Jazari
1973: Nigeria | Yoruba Folktale
1841: Lowell, MA | Almira
1679: Hanover | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
c. 395: Rome | Claudian
2020: Bellingham, WA | George Dyson
1962: Paris | Julio Cortázar

2014: Manila | Adrian Chen
1911: Philadelphia | Frederick W. Taylor
c. 2500 bc: Giza | Herodotus
1881: New York City | Tom McNichol
1150: Ujjain | Bhaskara II
1907: Berlin | Georg Simmel
1433: Hesdin | Ledger of Philip III
1969: Toronto | Marshall McLuhan
1829: Craigenputtock | Thomas Carlyle
1916: Franconia, NH | Robert Frost
1787: Philadelphia | Tench Coxe
1520: Tenochtitlán | Bernal Díaz del Castillo
1974: Atlanta | Duane M. Rumbaugh, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Harold Warner, et al.
1878: Heidelberg | Mark Twain
1921: Norton, KS | Mrs. W.C. Lathrop
c. 1790: Korea | Chong Yagyong
c. 1930: Wadi al-Uyoun | Abdul Rahman Munif
c. 27 bc: Rome | Vitruvius
2018: Hangzhou | Xiaowei Wang
1972: Pine Ridge Reservation | Lame Deer
c. 1140: Paris | Hugh of Saint-Victor
1313: Luoyang | Wang Zhen
1984: Turin | Primo Levi
1878: Newark, NJ | Celluloid Manufacturing Co.
c. 1184 bc: Troy | Virgil
1995: Lincoln, MT | Ted Kaczynski

2020: Khartoum | Jina Moore
c. 500 bc: Jin | Zhuangzi
1914: Columbia, MO | Thorstein Veblen
c. 150: Thessaly | Lucius Apuleius
c. 1915: Detroit | Louis-Ferdinand Céline
1812: Yorkshire | Charlotte Brontë
c. 12: Rome | Antipater of Thessalonica
2001: Outer Space | Stanley Kubrick & Arthur C. Clarke
1954: Rapid City, SD | Pearl S. Buck
c. 960: Exeter | Exeter Book
1942: Dublin | Flann O’Brien
1708: Lagado | Jonathan Swift
2011: Adelaide | J.M. Coetzee
1840: New York City | Samuel F.B. Morse
The Future: Underground | E.M. Forster
1519: Bajaur | Babur
721: China | Book of Tang
c. 1947: Senegal | Ousmane Sembène
c. 1410: France | Christine de Pisan
1863: Christchurch | Samuel Butler
2020: San Francisco | GPT-3
2026: Allendale, CA | Ray Bradbury

Fusion & Magic | Andrew Blum
Prometheus’ Toolbox | Adrienne Mayor
Living in a World Without Stars | Curtis White

Conversations | Banu Musa, Cowan, Google
Miscellany | Selfies, Flappy Bird, Hello Girls
Endnote: A Pig for All Seasons | Lewis H. Lapham
Glossary | Algorithm, Golem, Rube Goldberg
Sources | Readings & Art