1977 | Pyongyang

Civics Class

Kim Il-Sung intensifies class education.

The kernel of communist ideology is the class consciousness of the working class, and the main content of communist education is class education.

By intensifying class education, we should make sure that all the students fight selflessly for the interests of the working class with an unwavering working-class viewpoint and on a firm working-class stand. It is particularly important to educate them to hate the enemies of the revolution. Those who do not hate the enemies of the revolution cannot fight with determination against them, nor can they become true revolutionaries. By bringing the students to hate imperialism and the landowner and capitalist classes, we should make certain that they fight resolutely against both our class enemies and the system of exploitation.

Collectivism is the basis of socialism and communism and a principle that guides the actions of communists. We should educate all the students to outgrow individualism and selfishness and to work, study, and live according to the collectivist principle of “One for all and all for one,” and fight with devotion for society and the people, for the interests of the party and the revolution.

A love of work is a salient characteristic of the communist. All students should be taught to regard work as honorable and sacred, to enjoy work, to observe labor discipline willingly, and to participate conscientiously in any common endeavor for the good of the collective and society.

Education in socialist patriotism should be improved. Socialist patriotism is the spirit of loving the socialist homeland with the working-class state power, socialist system, independent national economy, and brilliant national culture. All students should be encouraged to be proud of their nation, have a deep love of their country and people, cherish their fine national heritage and traditions, and be willing to sacrifice themselves in the fight for the prosperity and progress of the socialist homeland. Students should be taught to take loving care of their desks and chairs and, further, to treasure all communal property of the state and society and manage the nation’s economic life carefully and assiduously.


Kim Il-Sung

From Theses on Socialist Education. Born in Japanese-occupied Korea in 1912, Kim grew up in Manchuria, fought with the Korean guerrilla resistance, and received military training in the Soviet Union. He returned to North Korea in 1945, and with Stalin’s support invaded American-occupied South Korea in 1950, leading to three years of war. In 1973 Kim launched the Three Revolutions Movement, a three-pronged approach to development that focused on culture, technology, and ideology.