Laura Ingalls Wilder

(1867 - 1957)

Laura Ingalls Wilder became a schoolteacher in the Dakota Territories at the age of fifteen in 1882. Visiting her journalist daughter in San Francisco in 1915, she wrote that she wanted “to do a little writing” with her “to get the hang of it a little better, so I can write something perhaps I can sell.” Wilder published the first of her eight Little House novels in 1932, at the age of sixty-five.

All Writing

Voices In Time

c. 1875 | Walnut Grove, MN

Grim Reaping

Laura Ingalls Wilder versus the grasshoppers.More

Voices In Time

1923 | Missouri

No Small Parts

Laura Ingalls Wilder finds the golden gleam of sunlight in the fabric of civilization.More

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