

Painted portrait of English poet John Milton.

John Milton

(1608 - 1674)

Oil painting portrair Michel de Montaigne in red robes and white collar

Michel de Montaigne

(1533 - 1592)

Black and white photograph of American poet Marianne Moore.

Marianne Moore

(1887 - 1972)

color oil painting of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in a red tunic with gray hair

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

(1756 - 1791)

Depiction of Chinese philosopher Mozi.


(c. 470 BC - c. 391 BC)

Photograph of Vladimir Nabokov

Vladimir Nabokov

(1899 - 1977)

Vaslav Nijinsky

(1889 - 1950)

English novelist, essayist, and critic George Orwell.

George Orwell

(1903 - 1950)

Black and white engraving of Roman poet Ovid in profile.


(43 BC - c. 17)

Francisco Pacheco

(1564 - 1644)

Luigi Pirandello

Luigi Pirandello

(1867 - 1936)

Depiction of Greek philosopher Plato.


(c. 427 BC - c. 347 BC)

Engraving of Pliny the Elder.

Pliny the Elder

(23 - 79)

English poet and satirist Alexander Pope.

Alexander Pope

(1688 - 1744)

Photograph of Marcel Proust looking pensive.

Marcel Proust

(1871 - 1922)

Color portrait of Russian poet, novelist, and dramatist Aleksandr Pushkin.

Aleksandr Pushkin

(1799 - 1837)

Lee Quinones

Austro-German poet Rainer Maria Rilke.

Rainer Maria Rilke

(1875 - 1926)

Barbara Rose

Salman Rushdie

Black and white photograph of a young John Ruskin wearing a suit.

John Ruskin

(1819 - 1900)

Jean-François de Saint Lambert

(1716 - 1803)

German writer Friedrich Schiller.

Friedrich Schiller

(1759 - 1805)

Portrait of young Arthur Schopenhauer wearing a brown suit and a cravat.

Arthur Schopenhauer

(1788 - 1860)