French novelist Gustave Flaubert.

Gustave Flaubert

(1821 - 1880)

Studying law in Paris as a young man, Gustave Flaubert became distracted by “the bitter poetry of prostitution.” Soon after Flaubert published Madame Bovary in 1857, he was put on trial for public depravity charges. In his fifties, he suffered from several venereal diseases and was dead at the age of fifty-eight.

All Writing

Voices In Time

1839 | Paris

Happy Hour

Gustave Flaubert follows a pair of leisure seekers.More

The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletariat to the level of bourgeois stupidity.

—Gustave Flaubert, 1871

Voices In Time

1869 | Paris

Looking Back

Gustave Flaubert engineers a joint reverie.More

You can’t find the soul with a scalpel.

—Gustave Flaubert, c. 1880

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